Faith in the Second Half online seminars
Affinity member ‘Faith in Later Life’ is holding two online training seminars in partnership with Keswick Ministries, on Thursday 15 October. The focus will be on older Christians flourishing and knowing God’s plans for them. One seminar is for church leaders and one for church members.
Enabling those in later life to flourish (11am – 12.15pm)
Aimed at church leaders and those involved in leading ministry with older people. Topics will include the theology of old age (Garry Williams), empowering the ministry of the older person (Carl Knightly) and providing pastoral support and engaging with older people (Debs Fidler with Carl Knightly). There will be time for Q&A.
Flourishing in later life (2pm – 3pm)
Aimed at the older person wanting to understand that God still has a plan for them (Ian Knox with Carl Knightly) and how they can be involved in ministering to others and serving God (Pippa Cramer with Carl Knightly). There will be time for Q&A.
Go here for more information and how to book.