
Foundations is an international journal of evangelical theology which has been published by Affinity since 1978. Its aim is to cover contemporary theological issues through original articles and reviews, taking in exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics, and to indicate their relevance to pastoral ministry. Its particular focus is the theology of evangelical churches which are committed to biblical truth and evangelical ecumenism.

The Editor of Foundations is Dr Donald John MacLean. He is supported by a group of Associate Editors. Each article is independently peer-reviewed to maintain the quality and orthodoxy of Foundations.

Issue 86 – Summer 2024
Review Article: Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction
Abraham Kuyper: Inspiration, Revelation, and Scripture
John Owen and Relating to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
John Wesley and Aldersgate
Slavery, the Slave Trade and Christians’ Theology – Part 1
Missionary – What’s in a Word? A Critical Discussion of a Disputed Term
Book Review: Christianity and Science
Book Review: The Holy Spirit
Book Review: Providing for Pastors: How to Give Time, Energy, and Money to Support the Work of Pastors
Book Review: This Earthly Life Matters: The Promise of Arnold A. van Ruler for Ecotheology
Issue 85 – Winter 2023
Editorial – Issue 85
Thinking through Difference and Desire: A Critical Engagement with of Sarah Coakley’s God, Sexuality and the Self
Evangelicals, let’s be a little bit more Reformed Catholic
The Westminster Divines and the Alexandrian Codex
“In Death Itself He Was Living”: Hugh Martin’s Atonement Theology
A Red Letter Day In Bourton On The Water, August 1765
Book review: Personality & Worldview
Book review: Buddhism, Islam and Religious Pluralism in South and Southeast Asia
Book review: Classical Theism: New Essays on the Metaphysics of God
Issue 84 – Summer 2023
Editorial – Issue 84
Glories that Form and Deform Identity – The Roads Ahead
Divine Light and Holy Love: Genuine Conversion in the Works of Jonathan Edwards
Sanctification and Consistent Godly Living
Pastoring the Twenty-First Century Church
Faithfulness Amidst Trial and Persecution
Review Article: Complementarism
Book review: Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction
Issue 83 – Winter 2022
Editorial – Issue 83
Muslims, Christians, And God
Equipping twenty-first century missionaries for cross-cultural ministry
A missiological assessment of the Insider Movement
Do Christians meet for worship?
John Davidson and the General Assembly of 1596
Book Review: When Christians Face Persecution
Book Review: Strange New World
Issue 82 – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 5 – Some Reflections On Comments By Stephen Clark – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 6 – Reply to Professor Robert Letham’s Response – Affinity
Issue 82 – Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 4 – Herman Dooyeweerd’s Christian Philosophy – Affinity
Issue 82 – Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 2 – The “Same God” Issue And The Communication Of The Gospel To Muslims – Affinity
Issue 82 – Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 82 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 82 – Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 3 – The Other Genevan: Rousseau And The Rise Of The Modern Mind – Affinity
Issue 82 Article 1 – To Be Or Not To Be – Affinity
Issue 81 – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 81 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 81 – Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 81 Article 5 – The Business of Heaven – Affinity
Issue 81 Article 1 – The Hopes and Fears of all the Years: The Future of the Church in this Present – Affinity
Issue 81 Article 2 – “With Me in Paradise” – Questions About the So-Called “Intermediate State” – Affinity
Issue 81 Article 3 – The End is Not the Beginning… In Fact, Not Even the End – Affinity
Issue 80 – Affinity
Issue 80 Article 1 – “It’s All About Me!” Ministry In A Therapeutic Culture – Affinity
Issue 80 Article 2 – The Christian and the Civil Magistrate – Affinity
Issue 80 Article 3 – Covid-19 and Creation: Megaphones, Mystery and Lament – Affinity
Issue 80 Article 4 – Distinctives of the Rural Context for Christian Mission – Affinity
Issue 80 Article 5 – The Union of 1929 and What Came After – Affinity
Issue 80 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 80 Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 80 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 80 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 80 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 80 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 79 – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 7 – Affinity
Issue 79 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 79 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 79 Article 1 – Pleasing the Impassible God – Affinity
Issue 79 Article 2 – Complementarianism, Quo Vadis? – Affinity
Issue 79 Article 3 – The Apologetics and Theology of Cornelius Van Til – Affinity
Issue 79 Article 4 – Abraham Kuyper: Cultural Transformer – Affinity
Issue 78 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 78 Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 78 Article 6 – The Use of English in Cross-cultural Mission: Observations from Africa – Affinity
Issue 78 Article 5 – John Owen’s Taxonomy of the Covenants: Was He a Dichotomist or a Trichotomist? – Affinity
Issue 78 Article 3 – The Need for Systematic Theology in Theological Education – Affinity
Issue 78 Article 4 – John Murray, Biblical Theology and Systematic-Theological Method – Affinity
Issue 78 Article 1 – God is Our Refuge and Strength – Affinity
Issue 77 – Affinity
Issue 77 Article 2 – Contending In The Perpetual Battle: Jude And The Constant Need To Fight Valiant – Affinity
Issue 77 Article 3 – The use of Satire in the Book of Isaiah and in Christian Ministry – Affinity
Issue 77 Article 4 – Is the Filioque Clause Biblical? – Affinity
Issue 77 Article 5 – The Same God:Did Paul Claim the Athenians Worshipped Yahweh? – Affinity
Issue 77 Article 6 – Knocking on Sinners’ Doors? Revelation 3:20, Ecclesiology and the Gospel Offer – Affinity
Issue 77 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 77 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 76 – Affinity
Issue 76 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 76 Gathered Worship in the New Testament – Affinity
Issue 76 Worship Today: Maintaining Continuity with the Past and Across the World – Affinity
Issue 76 What is Sweeter to us is Clearer: The Aesthetics of Worship – Affinity
Issue 76 Review Article – Affinity
Issue 76 Tuning the Heart: A Historical Survey of the Affections in Corporate Worship – Affinity
Issue 76 Worship Today: Contemporary Expression of Worship in One’s Own Culture(s) – Affinity
Issue 76 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 76 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 76 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 76 Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 75 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 1 – Affinity
Issue 75 Assumptions Without Reflection – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 75 Book Review 7 – Affinity
Issue 75 Context is Key – Affinity
Issue 75 This Way of Living – Affinity
Issue 75 Who Led the Israelites Out of Egypt – Affinity
Issue 74 – Affinity
Issue 74 Editorial – Affinity
Issue 74 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 74 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 74 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 74 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 74 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 74 Article 1 Crisis, Cursing and the Christian Reading Imprecatory Psalms in the Twenty-First – Affinity
Issue 74 Article 2 The Book of Job as a Theology of Isolation – Affinity
Issue 74 Article 3 Culture, Class and Ethnicity: A Theological Exploration – Affinity
Issue 74 Article 4 Overcoming Listlessness: Learning from Evagrius of Pontus – Affinity
Issue 74 Article 5 Review Article The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge – Affinity
Issue 73 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 5 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 4 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 3 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 2 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 11 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 10 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 6 – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Review 7 – Affinity
Issue 73 Review Article: Cross-Currents in Muslim Ministry – Affinity
Issue 73 Nature, Person, and Will – Affinity
Issue 73 Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 72 – Affinity
Issue 72 Article 5 – Chronological Creationism – Affinity
Issue 72 Article 1 – The Nature and Necessity of Church-Planting Movements – Affinity
Issue 72 Article 2 – Defending Specificity on Doctrinal Distinctives for a Church Planting Network – Affinity
Issue 72 Article 3 – Building a Church-Planting Movement in a Traditional Denomination – Affinity
Issue 72 Article 4 – Multi-Site Church – Affinity
Issue 72 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 72 – Editorial – Affinity
Issue 71 – Affinity
Issue 71 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 71 Article 5 – A Reply to Stephen Clark – Affinity
Issue 71 Article 4 – Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between the Word of God and the Holy Spirit – Affinity
Issue 71 Article 3 – The Age of the Earth: A Plea for Geo-Chronological Non-Dogmatism – Affinity
Issue 71 Article 2 – A Theology of the Created World: Neglected Biblical Perspectives – Affinity
Issue 71 Article 1 – Dialogues Concerning Cultural Engagement (Part Two) – Affinity
Issue 71 – Editorial – Affinity
Associate Editors:

Bob Fyall
Cornhill Training Course (Scotland)

Jamie A. Grant
Vice-Principal (Academic), Highland Theological College

David McKay
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Dan Strange
Director, Crosslands Forum

Ted Turnau
Anglo-American University, Prague & Union School of Theology

Keith Walker
International Strategic Development Director, SIM International

Paul Wells
Emeritus Professor, Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence, France

Garry Williams
The John Owen Centre, London Seminary

Peter Williams
Tyndale House, Cambridge

Alistair Wilson
Edinburgh Theological Seminary

Foundations is copyrighted by Affinity. Readers are free to use it and circulate it in digital form without further permission (any print use requires further written permission), but they must acknowledge the source and, of course, not change the content.

The views expressed in the articles published in Foundations do not necessarily represent the views of Affinity or its partners although all content must be within the bounds of the Affinity Doctrinal Basis.

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