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London Seminary
Training or teaching
London Seminary exists to train pastors and preachers for ministry, while our Pastors’ Academy provides support and study opportunities for serving pastors.
Our Pastoral Training course is designed to equip those who are called to preaching and pastoral ministry. The rigorous 2-year study programme delivered by experienced pastors can be taken full-time residentially, part-time, remotely, or in individual modules. Those who successfully complete the course can go on to take a ThM degree part-time alongside ministry (PRTS entrance qualifications apply).
The Seminary also runs the Flourish course for women engaged in ministry to women, and Plant for those involved in church planting and revitalisation.
The Pastors’ Academy offers study opportunities for serving pastors, including study hours, days, reading groups, and retreats. Pastoral care is offered to pastors by an experienced pastoral team.
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