16 October 2024

Partnering for theological growth: Affinity welcomes Westminster Seminary UK as sponsor of the Study Conference

We are thrilled to announce that Westminster Seminary UK has kindly agreed to sponsor the upcoming Affinity Theological Study Conference. Westminster Seminary UK, located in Newcastle upon Tyne and founded in 2013, has become a vital centre for training men for ministry. Over the years, it has welcomed students from across the UK and Europe, with several cohorts now having graduated. Although rooted in Presbyterian principles, the seminary warmly embraces students from a range of denominational backgrounds.

Paul Yeulett, chairman of the Study Conference, welcomes this news, saying: ‘Westminster shares the vision of Affinity for the expression of warm evangelical unity among Christian believers in the UK, based on a love for the Triune God and glad obedience to his truth as revealed in the Scriptures.’

Westminster’s contribution to theological education extends beyond its academic programmes. The seminary hosts a monthly School of Theology, an annual Theological Conference in October, and has also seen great success with its Reformed Colloquium in Budapest. Westminster’s current President, Ian Hamilton, has faithfully led the institution for several years and will soon retire. His successor and President-elect is Donald John MacLean, the present Editor of Foundations, a biannual publication by Affinity.

Commenting on this development, Graham Nicholls, Director of Affinity, said: ‘The Theological Study Conference is a unique experience, bringing brothers and sisters together for a deep dive into theology. We are especially grateful to Westminster Seminary UK for supporting the conference. Together, we seek to study the revelation of our God in the Scriptures – the best topic of all.’

Jonathan Winch, Executive Director at Westminster Seminary UK, echoed these sentiments: ‘Westminster Seminary UK is delighted to sponsor this theological study conference. We share Affinity’s passion for proclaiming the good news of Jesus in a broken world. What could better equip us for that than contemplating our great God of wonders together?’

Thanks to Westminster’s generous sponsorship, we are able to subsidise ticket prices, making the conference as accessible as possible. We hope this will allow more people to join us for this enriching time of theological reflection and fellowship.

The Affinity Theological Study Conference promises to be a rich opportunity to reaffirm timeless truths about God and to enjoy fellowship together. With the help of Westminster Seminary UK, we are excited to offer a conference that is both affordable and deeply impactful.

For more information and booking details, visit our Study Conference page.


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