Our Corporate members

Denominations and church networks make up our Corporate members. They come from all parts of the UK and Ireland. They are all committed to the Bible and the proclamation of the gospel, but differ in matters such as church government and baptism. Our Corporate members invest significantly in the work and ministry of Affinity.
Aontas exists to further the gospel of Jesus Christ in Ireland and to give visible expression to our unity in Christ by facilitating and fostering close cooperation between Bible-centred churches, missions and individual believers in Ireland. Aontas seeks to further the gospel in Ireland by enabling the sharing of resources, supporting the planting of Bible-centred churches and by sponsoring Bible-centred conferences and activities.
Contact at aontasoffice@gmail.com
For more information visit www.aontas.ie
The APC was first formed in 1916 as a result of the 1904 Welsh revival. The Apostolic Church is a Trinitarian, Pentecostal denomination with a strong commitment to mission. They have established Apostolic movements in over 90 countries, many of whom are self-governing. Within the UK the Apostolic Church is represented by approximately 110 churches.
Contact at admin@apostolic-church.org
For more information visit acuk.online
The Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales (AECW) is a fellowship of churches in Wales which seeks to promote cooperation in fellowship and witness between all churches that embrace the evangelical faith. The passion of AECW churches is to proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to Wales and the world. They pray that the Lord will bless all gospel churches and pour out his Holy Spirit on his people and on the nations.
For more information visit aecw.org.uk
The Association of Grace Baptist Churches (East Anglia) is made up of 26 churches in the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex. Each church is independent but recognises the importance and great gospel benefits of being interdependent. The churches are united in their doctrinal identity as Grace Baptists and in their shared aims of working together to grow in faith, deepen fellowship and encourage each other to live for Christ, making Him known in the communities they serve.
Contact at agbcea@gmail.com
Across the South East of England, around 70 churches have chosen to associate together for mutual help and encouragement. Each church is independent but understands the importance of being interdependent. They are united in their doctrinal identity as Grace Baptists, in expressing Christ’s command to love one another in fellowship and in their shared mission of reaching the millions who are lost.
Contact at office@gracebaptists.org
For more information visit www.gracebaptists.org
The Didasko Fellowship of Churches is a small presbytery of five churches formerly in the Church of Scotland. They are united in the communion of the one Spirit and committed to work, pray and support each other in the common mission of Christ to the people of Scotland and beyond.
Contact at wjup@tron.church
The Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches is a grouping of around 100 independent and congregational churches in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our vision statement summarises our purpose: ‘Exalting Christ in growing healthy churches.’Contact at thomasbrand@efcc.org.ukFor more information visit www.efcc.org.uk
The Evangelical Movement of Wales (EMW) serves churches and Christians, helping them to glorify God, evangelise Wales and build up believers. It is a movement of churches, ministers and Christians from a variety of different situations who love Jesus Christ, believe that the Bible is the Word of God and are convinced that the gospel is the only hope for our lost world. They share the same core beliefs and express their unity in Christ by coming together to serve Him and His people.
Contact at office@emw.org.uk
For more information visit www.emw.org.uk
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England & Wales (EPCEW) is a young denomination with roots that go back hundreds of years. They exist to declare God’s grace to humankind. They uphold the inerrancy of scripture, adhere to the Westminster standards and seek to fulfil the great commission.
Contact at epcew@epcew.org.uk
For more information visit www.epcew.org.uk
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ireland (EPCI) seeks, by God’s grace, to be faithful to the Bible. They confess the Bible to be divinely inspired and infallible. As a Presbyterian Church, they hold the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms as their subordinate standards. These they accept as being founded on the Word of God. There are around ten EPCI congregations across Northern Ireland.
Contact at epcclerk@btinternet.com
For more information visit www.epcni.org.uk
The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) is a family of more than 640 Independent gospel churches across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Our mission is to see those Independent churches working together with a big vision: to reach Britain for Christ. As a fellowship, they seek to envision their churches to understand the gospel need of our nation and equip them with resources to help fulfil this mission of making disciples. They encourage churches in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the gospel and they engage with other evangelical groups to build constructive relationships on their behalf.
Contact at admin@fiec.org.uk
For more information visit www.fiec.org.uk
The Free Church of Scotland (FCoS) is a Presbyterian and Reformed denomination. It has over 110 congregations in Scotland, as well as one in London. The FCoS also has a full-time theological college in the heart of Edinburgh (Edinburgh Theological Seminary) for the training of ministers and other Christians. It has an active church planting programme as well as a strategy for revitalisation. The vision of the denomination is ‘A healthy gospel church for every community in Scotland.’ It supports cross-cultural missions in Scotland and in various locations worldwide.
Contact at offices@freechurch.org
For more information visit www.freechurch.org
The Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) (FCS(C)) is a small reformed Presbyterian denomination with congregations in Scotland and North America and missionary interest in Zambia and Sri Lanka. They hold to the truth of the Bible in every word and love the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Contact at graemecraig@fccontinuing.org
For more information visit www.fccontinuing.org
The International Presbyterian Church (IPC) is a family of Reformed churches, standing in the tradition of churches since the 16th Century Reformation and, before that, right back to the Apostles, which have shared this same ambition. Their aim as an organisation is to glorify the triune God by supporting member churches in their ministry of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples of Jesus Christ, being all that the body and bride of Jesus Christ is supposed to be and planting new churches which will do and be the same.
Contact at clerk.uk@ipc.church
For more information visit ipc.church
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland (RPCI) have more than 30 congregations, five in counties Monaghan and Donegal and the remainder in Northern Ireland. These total approximately 2,500 communicant members, with up to 1,500 covenant children and adherents in addition. This is a stronger community than bare numbers might suggest as most of those belonging to the church show a high level of commitment.
Contact via website Enquiry Form
For more information visit www.rpc.org
Become a Corporate member
Our Corporate members form a distinct and vital category of membership within Affinity, if your fellowship of churches or denominations is interested in joining us we’d love to hear from you.
Alternatively, if you’d like to find out more about our other member types and how to join visit our Become a member page.