
Foundations is an international journal of evangelical theology which has been published by Affinity since 1978. Its aim is to cover contemporary theological issues through original articles and reviews, taking in exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics, and to indicate their relevance to pastoral ministry. Its particular focus is the theology of evangelical churches which are committed to biblical truth and evangelical ecumenism.

The Editor of Foundations is Dr Donald John MacLean. He is supported by a group of Associate Editors. Each article is independently peer-reviewed to maintain the quality and orthodoxy of Foundations.

Issue 70 – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 1 – The Covenant of Redemption according to John Owen and Patrick Gillespie – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 2 – Dialogues Concerning Cultural Engagement (Part One) – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 3 – Is the Adamic Work of Christ Shared with the Believer? A Critique of Van Drune – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 6 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 5 – Recent Developments in the Definition of Evangelicalism – Affinity
Issue 70 Article 4 – Ryle and Evangelical Identity – Affinity
Issue 69 – Affinity
Issue 69 Article 4 – Book Review – Affinity
Issue 69 Article 5 – Book Review – Affinity
Issue 69 Article 3 – Response to John Stevens, “Not reformed enough…” – Affinity
Issue 69 Article 2 – The Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper in Adolphe Monod’s Preaching – Affinity
Issue 69 Article 1 – “But That’s Just Your Interpretation!”: Foundations For An Evangelical Response – Affinity
Issue 68 – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 6 – Book Review: Sanctification: Explorations in Theology and Practice (ed. Kelly M – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 5 – Review Article: Messy Church Theology – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 4 – Throwing Away the Guns: Andrew Fuller, William Ward and the Community Controver – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 3 – The Lord’s Supper in England: Then and Now – A Look at How Thomas Cranmer’s E – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 2 – Not Reformed Enough: Critiquing Contemporary Practice of the Lord’s Supper – Affinity
Issue 68 Article 1 – Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper and Its Relevance for Today – Affinity
Issue 67 – Affinity
Issue 67 Article 3 – Tortuous And Complicated: An Analysis of Conversion in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
Issue 67 Article 7 – Review Article: Ready, Steady, Grow (Ray Evans)
Issue 67 Article 6 – Review Article: The Gospel in the Market Place of Ideas (Paul Copan & Kenneth D Litwak)
Issue 67 Article 5 – Review Article: ‘For Their Rock is Not as Our Rock’ (Dan Strange)
Issue 67 Article 4 – Following the Way: Mission in Luke’s Gospel and The Book of Acts for Latin America
Issue 67 Article 2 – The Ethics of IVF
Issue 67 Article 1 – The Historical Reliability of The Gospel of John
Issue 66 – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 3 – Gospel Partnerships and Gospel Unity in the United Kingdom – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 1 – Extra-Ecclesial Gospel Partnerships: A Mess Worth Making – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 7 – Book Review – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 4 – War and New Testament Ethics – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 6 – Popcultured (Steve Turner) – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 5 – Review Article: Mapping the Origins Debate – Affinity
Issue 66 Article 2 – Parachurch Groups and the Issues of Influence and Accountability – Affinity
Issue 65 – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 7 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 6 – Review Article: Romans: The Divine Marriage (Tom Holland) – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 5 – Review Article: Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works (James K. A. Smith) – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 3 – The Changing Architecture of Global Mission – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 2 – Gathered Worship: Personal Preference or Sacrificial Service? – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 4 – Augustine on Revelation 20: A Root of Amillennialism – Affinity
Issue 65 Article 1 – Evangelical Spirituality in Eighteenth-Century Dissent: Philip Doddridge and Jo – Affinity
Issue 64 – Affinity
Issue 64 Article 4 – Using the Bible Ethically: An Introduction to Contemporary Challenges – Affinity
Issue 64 Article 2 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan: Redefining “Israelite” or Redefining “Nei – Affinity
Issue 64 Article 1 – Displacing the Sacred: Thoughts on the Secularising Influence of Hollywood – Affinity
Issue 64 Article 5 – Review Article: Constructing Theological Vision – Affinity
Issue 64 Article 6 – Book Reviews – Affinity
Issue 63 – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 7 – Book Review – A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Baptism – The Water that Unites – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 6 – Review – Baptism: Three Views – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 5 – Why Believers’ Baptism Should Usually Be Adult Baptism – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 4 – The Anglican Doctrine of Baptism – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 3 – A Covenantal View of Baptism and Its Relationship to Evangelism – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 2 – Infant Baptism: Putting Old Wine into New Wineskins? – Affinity
Issue 63 Article 1 – Water-Ordeals of the Seventeenth Century: Should Baptism Devide? – Affinity
Issue 62 – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 1 – The Relationship Between Paul’s Soteriology and His Ethics – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 3 – Gospel Chaplaincy In a Secular World – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 4 – The Interpretation of John 3:5 – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 5 – Aggressive Atheism – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 6 – Book review – Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis and the Misrepresentation o – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 9 – Book review – Only One Way?: Three Christian Reponses on the Uniqueness of Chri – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 8 – Book review – To Know and Love God: Method for Theology – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 7 – Book review – Christ-centred Biblical Theology – Affinity
Issue 62 Article 2 – Public Bible Reading: A Neglected Gift of Grace – Affinity
Issue 61 – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 8 – Book review – The People’s Theologian: Writings in Honour of Donald Macleod – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 7 – Book review – Fruitful leaders: how to make, grow, love and keep them – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 6 – Book review – Bread of Heaven: The Life and Work of William Williams, Pantycely – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 5 – Review article: Trinitarian Theology – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 4 – Did Turretin Depart from Calvin’s View on the Concept of Error in the Scripture – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 3 – Evangelical Mission Organisations, Postmodern Controversies, and the New Heartb – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 2 – So who is my neighbour? – Affinity
Issue 61 Article 1 – Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology – Affinity
Associate Editors:

Bob Fyall
Cornhill Training Course (Scotland)

Jamie A. Grant
Vice-Principal (Academic), Highland Theological College

David McKay
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Dan Strange
Director, Crosslands Forum

Ted Turnau
Anglo-American University, Prague & Union School of Theology

Keith Walker
International Strategic Development Director, SIM International

Paul Wells
Emeritus Professor, Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence, France

Garry Williams
The John Owen Centre, London Seminary

Peter Williams
Tyndale House, Cambridge

Alistair Wilson
Edinburgh Theological Seminary

Foundations is copyrighted by Affinity. Readers are free to use it and circulate it in digital form without further permission (any print use requires further written permission), but they must acknowledge the source and, of course, not change the content.

The views expressed in the articles published in Foundations do not necessarily represent the views of Affinity or its partners although all content must be within the bounds of the Affinity Doctrinal Basis.

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