
Issue 83 – Winter 2022

Editorial – Issue 83
Dr Donald John MacLean
DJ is the Editor of Foundations. He is also an Elder at Cambridge Presbyterian Church and Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Muslims, Christians, And God
Dr Andrew G Bannister
Andy is the Director of Solas, a Visiting Lecturer at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, and an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology. He is also the author of several books.
Equipping twenty-first century missionaries for cross-cultural ministry
Dr Thorsten Prill
Thorsten is a minister of the Rhenish Church in Namibia and BCMS Crosslinks mission partner. He has been seconded by his church to serve as Vice-Principal at Edinburgh Bible College (EBC).
A missiological assessment of the Insider Movement
E.M Hicham
E.M. Hicham is a PhD student in the history of Christian-Muslim relations and a minister at a French Reformed Baptist Church.
Do Christians meet for worship?
Dr Robert Strivens
Robert is a Pastor of Bradford on Avon Baptist Church and a former Principle of London Seminary.
John Davidson and the General Assembly of 1596
John W Keddie
John is a retired minister of the Free Church of Scotland Continuing and Lecturer in Church History at the Free Church Seminary (Inverness).
Book Review: When Christians Face Persecution
Màiri MacPherson
Màiri is a Mission Strengthener at Edinburgh City Mission and a former MTh student in Missiology at Edinburgh Theological Seminary.
Book Review: Strange New World
Dr Peter Sanlon
Peter is an Adjunct Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Seminary, UK.

About Foundations

Foundations is an international journal of evangelical theology published in the United Kingdom. Its aim is to cover contemporary theological issues by articles and reviews, taking in exegesis, biblical theology, church history and apologetics, and to indicate their relevance to pastoral ministry. Its particular focus is the theology of evangelical churches which are committed to biblical truth and evangelical ecumenism. It has been published by Affinity (formerly The British Evangelical Council) from its inception as a print journal. It became a digital journal in April 2011.

Dr Donald John MacLean
DJ is the Editor of Foundations. He is also an Elder at Cambridge Presbyterian Church and Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Dr Robert Strivens
Robert is a Pastor of Bradford on Avon Baptist Church and a former Principle of London Seminary.
Dr Peter Sanlon
Peter is an Adjunct Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster Presbyterian Seminary, UK.
Dr Andrew G Bannister
Andy is the Director of Solas, a Visiting Lecturer at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, and an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology. He is also the author of several books.
E.M Hicham
E.M. Hicham is a PhD student in the history of Christian-Muslim relations and a minister at a French Reformed Baptist Church.
John W Keddie
John is a retired minister of the Free Church of Scotland Continuing and Lecturer in Church History at the Free Church Seminary (Inverness).
Màiri MacPherson
Màiri is a Mission Strengthener at Edinburgh City Mission and a former MTh student in Missiology at Edinburgh Theological Seminary.
Dr Thorsten Prill
Thorsten is a minister of the Rhenish Church in Namibia and BCMS Crosslinks mission partner. He has been seconded by his church to serve as Vice-Principal at Edinburgh Bible College (EBC).

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The views expressed in the articles published in Foundations do not necessarily represent the views of Affinity or its partners although all content must be within the bounds of the Affinity Doctrinal Basis.

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