19 June 2024

Great God of Wonders: the God who is, and the God who acts

Written by Paul Yeulett

What stands out as the most crucial and captivating subject for all individuals, and especially for Christians?

Without a doubt, it’s the exploration of God.

In a society rampant with uncertainty and fear, where the very essence of truth is being questioned, exploring God’s nature and how that impacts our lives becomes paramount.

As Spurgeon said 170 years ago, ‘I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; so calm the swelling billows of sorrow and grief; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead.’

Spurgeon’s insight rings true to this day and forms the cornerstone of our upcoming Affinity Theological Study Conference, where we will gather together to contemplate our great God of wonders: who he is and how he acts.

We warmly invite you to join us at King’s Park in Northampton from Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th March where we’ll discuss topics such as Christ’s weaknesses, divine immutability and simplicity, and the power and personhood of God.

Here at Affinity, we’re passionate about enabling discussion. You’ll see that reflected in the style of this conference through our collective conversations and small group interactions.

We believe there’s something profound to gain when everyone’s voice is heard and as we learn from each other. So whether you’re a pastor or layperson, this Study Conference is for you.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of this enriching theological exploration. Reserve your place today and join us at the Affinity Theological Study Conference 2025; we can’t wait to meet you.

Find out more by visiting www.affinity.org.uk/studyconference

Written by
Paul Yeulett
Paul has been Minister at Grove Chapel, London, since 2014. He heads up Affinity’s Theological Study Conference and is one of our trustees.

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