About us

Affinity is a network of more than 1,200 Bible-centred churches and evangelical agencies throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland. By declaring and demonstrating our essential unity in the revealed truth of the Bible, we aim to make ourselves more effective in proclaiming the good news of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement
We seek to declare and demonstrate the unity of Christ’s Church for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom in the following ways:
We encourage strong, meaningful relationships between Bible-centred churches and organisations in order to assist the growth of gospel ministry across Britain and Ireland.
We work to:
- Facilitate the formation and development of regional and local church partnerships
- Foster mutual recognition, understanding and respect across traditional divides
- Enable the sharing of resources and best practice
- Support the planting and recommissioning of Bible-centred churches
- Commend appropriate training for gospel ministry
- Sponsor church-centred conferences and activities
Doctrinal basis
Affinity affirms and proclaims the foundational truths of the historic, orthodox faith as revealed in holy scripture.
We are a body of evangelical Christians who are committed to the written Word of God in all that we believe and do. This shared commitment provides a firm basis on which we can work together with confidence and ensures that any differences are of secondary significance.
- We are primarily a fellowship of churches working together in partnership.
- We also bring together evangelical agencies and individual Christians to work together to advance the cause of the gospel.
- We are open to, and exist to serve, all evangelical churches, regardless of any other distinctives.
Affinity is a partnership of gospel churches, evangelical agencies and individual Christians committed to working together to advance the work of the gospel in the UK and Ireland and around the world.
Fifteen church networks and denominations belong to Affinity together with other independent congregations. The churches come from all parts of the UK and Ireland. In total, there are more than 1,200 churches in fellowship with Affinity. We are one of the largest groups of evangelical churches in the UK. You will find details about these churches in our Find a Church section.
There are also 40+ Christian organisations in fellowship with Affinity. This includes mission agencies, Bible Colleges and publishers.
Many individuals are Affiliate Members of Affinity. In this way they express their fellowship with other Christians and their commitment to the witness and various ministries of Affinity.
Find out more about becoming a member of Affinity today. -
Affinity is an expression of gospel unity as churches and Christian agencies work together in partnership. We are united in our commitment to the Christian faith revealed in the Bible. Churches affiliated with Affinity, which come from every part of Britain and Ireland, respect each other’s varied convictions regarding church government and the ordinances/sacraments.
The Bible is the foundation of all that we believe and do. We seek to express gospel unity with all who are committed to biblical Christianity as expressed in the Affinity doctrinal basis. The biblical gospel defines the boundaries of true Christian fellowship. Therefore, Affinity members, with real sadness, cannot enter into gospel partnerships with churches or organisations which deny the fundamental Bible doctrines set out in the Affinity doctrinal basis.
When necessary we are ready to oppose those who deny biblical truth and who preach a different gospel. In such situations, it is our solemn duty and privilege to ‘contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints’ (Jude 3).
We welcome opportunities to engage in constructive discussion with all who name the name of Christ. We acknowledge that there are a range of social and ethical issues where we may feel free to engage and cooperate with those who share our concerns but who cannot endorse our biblical convictions. We pray that the unity for which the Lord Jesus Christ prayed will be experienced more and more by all who know and love him.
Our understanding of evangelical ecumenism is informed by the following biblical passages:
Powerful positives:
Psalm 133:1; John 17:17, 20-21; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 4:2-6; Titus.1:9
Necessary negatives:
Matthew 7:15-16; Romans 16:17; Galatians 1:6-9; 2 John 7-11; Jude:3-4
An Advisory Council, comprising representatives of Affinity Corporate, Church and Agency members, meets twice a year to hear about the work and engage with important decisions.
The Director and staff are responsible for the day-to-day running of Affinity. They consult with the board of trustees who oversee the work.
Affinity facilitates various working groups which are active in key areas covering gospel partnership, social issues, theological advocacy and world focus.
In addition to activities undertaken by Affinity itself, our members are involved in a wide variety of ministries. Through our fellowship together we seek to support and encourage each other.
Affinity is dependent on the financial support of its Corporate, Church, Agency and Affiliate members who donate to the work of Affinity. Without this generous support, we would not exist. We are committed to using the money entrusted to us faithfully so as to advance the cause of the gospel.
Could you become a member or sign up to support Affinity today?