Mask wearing in all public places – a moral duty for Christians?
Perhaps we should get “What Would Jesus Do?” facemasks printed.
Tim Farron has this week passionately argued the case for continuing to wear masks after 19 July, even though he does not specify precisely when and where. He rightly points to the need for Christians to think of the wider community rather than their own individual freedom. He reminds us that Jesus did not stand on his rights when he gave himself as a sacrifice for us.
So is that the end of the matter? Just wear a mask whenever in a public place, for in so doing we demonstrate sacrificial love. It’s what Jesus would do…
But what about church meetings indoors? It’s the same here, right?
But is it really that simple?
This is a topic on which many, like Tim, feel strongly and so these personal opinions I express here are made with some hesitancy, recognising my own limited understanding of the science and also my personality bias towards more, rather than less, risk.
That said, I would argue that mask wearing should be a personal decision now that it is no longer mandated by law. A mask may help prevent the transmission of Covid-19, and yes, we must consider how best to love others, but in general I do not think it wise for churches to impose mask-wearing on their congregations.
Some church leaders might judge in all good conscience that the risks posed by the removal of masks is too great. I am personally not convinced this is the right decision.
I am all in favour of wearing a mask when asked to do so by a shopkeeper, a bus driver, a church leader, or a friend or family member (unless I have a very good reason not to).
But I am not sure it is right for Christians to make turn mask-wearing into a moral duty, a fulfilment of the law of love. I believe this binds the conscience of another believer and removes personal responsibility. The degree of protection offered by a typical loose-fitting mask is open to question and by demonising those who view them as essential seems to insist this judgment is better than theirs. Is that loving?
When it comes to church gatherings, we know that wearing masks is a hindrance to our worship – to seeing and communicating with each other, and to singing praises to the Lord and to one other. The Westminster government has clearly judged that, for England, the benefits of wearing a mask are no longer sufficient to make it a legal requirement. Therefore, we should need a compelling reason to impose this in our churches – and I am not sure there is one.
In the press briefings ahead of July 19 the government has expressed an “expectation” that masks will continue to be worn in “enclosed, crowded places like public transport where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet”. Can churches really be compared to crowded tube trains, pubs and night clubs?
Although infection rates are rising, the risk of a highly infectious person attending church is only moderate, given how aware and responsible Christians have been throughout the pandemic. Anyone with symptoms will surely stay away.
Furthermore, a large proportion of congregations are now vaccinated. Along with continuing hygiene protocols, ventilation and some degree of social distancing, the possibility of spreading an infection is low and even if someone catches Covid, case fatality rates are now comparable to that of flu.
Once we decide that the wearing of masks should continue, we take upon ourselves the responsibility for judging when the mass of indicators and statistics will be sufficiently positive to decide otherwise – something we are frankly unqualified to do.
This could mean that nothing will change for many months, possibly even through to next spring.
Tim Farron rightly cautions against this debate among Christians becoming so bitter that it reflects the culture wars going on in wider society. But I fear that if we take a strong line on keeping masks, rather than expressing love for others we will be seen as taking sides in what is a political and cultural debate. In so doing we may become legalistic, judgmental and more driven by fear than love.
Graham Nicholls is Director of Affinity
Image: “Covid-19 handmade face mask” by Olgierd (3rd account) is licensed under CC BY 2.0