Singing – at last!
We welcome the statement this evening from the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, confirming that – barring a major deterioration in circumstances – full release from lockdown will go ahead on 19 July. This will end the legal obligations for social distancing and mask wearing.
The Prime Minister stated that Covid-19 will become a virus that we ‘learn to live with’: Hospitalisations, serious illness and deaths from the virus will continue, albeit at a much lower level than before the vaccination programme.
As humans made in God’s image, we are made for social interaction and the isolation mandated because of Covid-19 has been hard to bear. The Christian gospel give us hope even in the face of these challenges. We also understand the reality of the risk of illness and death, but whilst taking reasonable precautions, we must be allowed to live our lives in relative freedom.
We also enthusiastically welcome the confirmation that singing will be permitted in churches, if and when restrictions are lifted. Congregational singing is tremendously significant for Christians as we praise God in song together, and is an enormous encouragement to our faith.
We were disappointed that the restrictions for churches, especially on mask-wearing whilst seated and the effective ban on congregational singing, were not relaxed before now. Our churches, especially at this time of year, are well-ventilated buildings, and prolonged face-to-face contact is not common indoors. Furthermore, singing has not been proven to be a significant factor in virus transmission.
However, the majority of churches have been following the guidance very closely throughout the pandemic, and we continue to encourage them to love God and love their neighbours as they patiently obey the law and government guidance for these remaining weeks.
Graham Nicholls is Director of Affinity