Safeguarding training for churches event
Christian Safeguarding Services are running a training day in Surrey in April. Although it is billed as being for Designated Safeguarding Lead people, feedback from previous events says that it would also be really beneficial for a church leader who is a trustee to attend with their safeguarding coordinator. Such safeguarding officers will then feel better supported in their role.
About the day:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
This course covers the responsibilities and legal duties of the safeguarding lead from a biblical perspective and an evangelical frame of reference. It addresses all of the key areas that the designated person needs to understand, including
- understanding safeguarding and abuse,
- responding appropriately to concerns of allegations of abuse,
- supporting staff and volunteers in the discharge of their duties,
- working confidently and competently with local statutory services,
- the importance of effective systems,
- the importance of culture
- managing concerns and referrals etc.
- supporting the church trustees in the discharge of their statutory duties
A buffet lunch is provided.
Date: 25 April 2020
Venue: Hook Evangelical Church
Time: 9:30 till 16:30pm
Churches can visit the CSS website or give them a call on 0333 303 4101 should they need any more information. Bookings can be made online here.