Neighbours and Nations Conference
Affinity member Frontiers will be co-hosting this conference in central Oxford on Saturday 26 October from 10.00am to 3.30pm. To help us align our hearts, minds and everyday lives with God’s heart for the nations, we will be hearing first-hand reports about what God is doing, and have the opportunity to be envisioned and better equipped in building meaningful relationships with those God is bringing from other countries and cultures.
There will be workshops on:
- Sharing our faith cross-culturally
- Strategic prayer
- Wrestling with our calling and gifting
- Tools to help us inspire our churches and small groups.
The event will be free to attend and a light lunch will be provided. There will be a freewill offering.
We do hope very much that you will be able to come. Please pass details of the conference to your friends and invite them to come along too.
To register, please email, telephone 0303 333 5051 or contact us via our website as soon as possible to help us with catering and for organisational purposes.