Theological Study Conference: 16-18 January 2013
Over the years the Affinity Theological Study Conference has become a priority for many pastors, church leaders and theological students. One of the reasons for this is that it really is a conference, because every session includes significant opportunities to interact with the speakers and other conference members. All conference members can read the papers before they come to the conference and so be prepared to seriously engage with the issues.
This conference will have a very practical emphasis. In our 2011 conference we considered the Doctrine and Function of Scripture in the 21st Century. During the conference it became clear that it would be good to give serious thought to the application of the Bible to some of the big ethical issues facing Christians today. It is vital that we affirm the inerrancy and authority of the Bible but this leads us to ask how we use the inspired Scriptures to address ethical challenges facing us the 21st century? How can we develop a consistent hermeneutic and identify key principles to guide us in addressing the moral and ethical issues and dilemmas of our contemporary world?
Speakers and Subjects
Paper 1: Natural Law in Scripture
Exploring multi-faceted aspects of natural law in the Bible
Stephen Clark
Director of EMW Theological Training Course and part time Lecturer at London Theological Seminary.
Paper 2: The teaching of Jesus & the NT
Exploring themes of continuity and discontinuity between aspects of ethical teaching in the ancient world and NT
Joshua Hordern
University Lecturer in Christian Ethics, University of Oxford
Paper 3: Psalms as Torah
Exploring the Bible’s ethical teaching in the Psalms
Gordon Wenham
Old Testament Tutor, Trinity College, Bristol
Paper 4: It’s A Rich Man’s World?
Exploring the biblical material on money, wealth and economic justice
Andrew Hartropp
Church minister, economist & Research Tutor at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
Paper 5: War and Peace
Exploring the ethics of war, ‘undercover’ operations, torture etc.
Paul Helm
Theologian, philosopher & Teaching Fellow at Regent College, Canada
Paper 6: Bioethics
Exploring issues at the beginning and ending of life
Leonardo De Chirico
Church planter, theologian & ethicist in Rome, Italy
A conference brochure and booking form may be downloaded from the link below.
Theological Study Conference 2013 Brochure and Booking Form