Redefining Marriage – Meet your MP Campaign
We are urging all Affinity churches and Christians to take urgent action to express their views to their MP about the Government proposals to redefine marriage.
The Coalition Government is proposing, as part of its equality agenda, to redefine marriage by 2015 and to allow same-sex couples to have a civil “marriage” ceremony. They have begun a 3 month public consultation process which closes on 14 June 2012.
This consultation sets out the government’s proposals to enable same-sex couples to enter into a civil marriage. Current legislation allows same-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership, but not civil marriage.
It is important, therefore, that Christians take action and do so soon. What can we do?
1. Pray
2. Sign the C4M Petition
3. Make a submission to the Government’s Consultation
4. Meet your MP
Affinity is urging as many church leaders and Christians as possible to contact their local MP as soon as they can. It is very important that MPs realise that many of their constituents are deeply disturbed by the Government proposals to redefine marriage.
We have provided an information sheet to assist churches and Christians.
Redefining Mrriage – Meet your MP Campaign