Church/Mission Agency consultation day
On Monday 21 May we have arranged a get-together for representatives of local churches and mission agencies. The purpose is to talk together about how the agencies who take our people overseas (or sometimes to work here in the UK) can better understand the sending church’s needs in the whole endeavour. The day will help us all to hear one another better and to promote good understanding as we partner together in world mission. Basil Howlett, of Carey Baptist Church, Reading, an experienced sending church, will speak, along with others, as we share together.
There will also be time for sharing of ministry news and prayer for one another.
The meeting is at Carey Baptist Church in Reading, from 11.00 – 3.00 (coffee from 10.30am). Please bring your own lunch. There is no charge for the day.
Representatives from Affinity churches and Associate Mission Agencies are invited to attend. Please contact the Affinity office ( to let us know of your intentions.