The latest Social Issues Bulletin is published today
The Social Issues Team deals with ‘citizenship’ issues in many areas including medical ethics, education, the media, work, law, politics, marriage and parenting, disability and gender.
The Team publishes The Bulletin three times each year containing information about current issues relevant to Churches and Christians.
The whole issue of the latest Bulletin may be downloaded, or individual articles:
The July 2018 issue contains a couple of articles relating to old age. First, Roger Hitchings comments on the challenge and opportunities that an ageing population present to the UK’s churches. He reports on one encouraging response in the launching of ‘Faith in later life’. Then Louise Morse, in her article ‘War on the old’, writes about the negative images of old age that seem to be proliferating in our society. She seeks to explode some of these myths which are being circulated even in government and other official circles.
An ageing society – a growing challenge
Rod Badams takes a look at the straightforward question of gender that has been a regular feature of every UK census since 1841 and how, in today’s confused climate, this may not be so simple in the next one.
Then we also feature an article from our archive that is worth a second look: Ian Fry writes about the challenge of raising a teenager in a Christian home, referencing the important book by Paul Tripp, Age of opportunity.
Finally, we are grateful, as ever, to John Ling for his encyclopaedic summary of all things relating to life issues and to the Christian Legal Centre and the Christian Institute for their update on current legal cases.