Introducing the Priscilla Programme
CHURCH SOCIETY and UNION SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY are delighted to announce the launch of the Priscilla Programme, a new training course for women, from September 2018.
‘…when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.’ Acts 18:26
Many women serve local churches in voluntary ministries such as teaching Sunday school and leading Bible study groups. The Priscilla Programme is intended to encourage and equip these women through in-depth biblical, theological and pastoral modules, delivered by experienced teachers. There will be regular interactive seminars and individual tutorials, as well as video lectures and other downloadable content. It is designed to be accessible and affordable, with all the teaching delivered online.
The course will be led by Dr Ros Clarke, Associate Director of Church Society.
Why do we need the Priscilla Programme?
Priscilla and her husband, Aquila, were not full-time, paid ministers – they earned their own living. They travelled with Paul, supported his ministry, and learned from him how to instruct others in the faith. This kind of ministry is still essential in contemporary church life, and volunteers need to be properly equipped.
While some churches are able to offer this kind of volunteer training, many simply do not have adequate resources. Often, willingness rather than wisdom is considered to be the qualification for Bible teaching ministry, and turning up rather than training is what counts. Women like Priscilla need opportunities to discover how to teach others ‘more accurately’, supporting full-time ministers in their work, drawing the whole Church to love God and walk in his ways.
About Ros Clarke
The majority of the course content will be written and taught by Dr Ros Clarke, Associate Director of Church Society. Ros has many years of experience in teaching and training women in a wide range of contexts. She is passionate about equipping women for Bible-teaching ministries in the local church.
Ros pioneered the role of Online Pastor for the Diocese of Lichfield. She has also taught New Testament Greek at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and given occasional lectures there as well as at Oak Hill College, London. She taught for two years on the Midlands Ministry Training Course and has spoken at the Cornhill Training Course. She has an MTh with Distinction from Oak Hill College and a PhD in Old Testament from Highland Theological College (Aberdeen).
I’m thrilled that Church Society are partnering with Union to offer top quality training to women who are keen to learn God’s Word and God’s ways, and enthusiastic to serve God’s people. I can’t think of anyone better than Ros Clarke, a clear and compelling speaker, to deliver this teaching and training so I’m very excited about the launch of The Priscilla Programme.
Revd Dr Lee Gatiss, Director of Church Society
The Priscilla Programme is an exciting new collaboration which we believe will strengthen the Church. As a body, we need gifted women to teach and lead with theological depth and biblical faithfulness. So many areas of church life will be enriched if we can raise up more Priscillas who love Christ and care about his people. We are thrilled to partner with Church Society and Ros Clarke in this vision.
Revd Dr Michael Reeves, President of Union School of Theology
There are many reasons why women can find it hard to access training and encouragement in teaching the Bible but the Priscilla programme with its flexibility and module-based learning seems to fill this gap. Ros is someone I have always respected for her intellect, godly wisdom and compassion. She has a determined desire to see others grow in their faith and ability to serve. I pray that many women will be blessed by this programme and that the body of Christ will be built up and many reached for the glory of Christ.
Rachel Browning, Associate Minister, Christ Church, Cambridge
There is such a need for this kind of input, encouraging and equipping women in teaching ministries. I commend the programme to you. Having been at one of Ros’s training sessions for women, I can speak from experience when I say that you can have confidence that everything will be well-researched, well-written, and well-delivered. Enjoy!
The Revd Prebendary Sarah Morris, Prison Service Managing Chaplain
More information
For further information about the Priscilla Programme please see: Union School of Theology:
Church Society:
or email Ros Clarke: