21 February 2018
Billy Graham dies, aged 99
Billy Graham has died, aged 99 after an evangelistic ministry beginning in the 1950s.
We want to give thanks today for his life and ministry. He was not without his critics for some of his methods and some elements of his theology, but undoubtedly he was instrumental in many coming to faith in Christ and influenced a generation or more of evangelists. He was famous for his altar calls – appealing to people to come forward and publicly show that they wanted to start following Christ.
He had a distinctive preaching style, combining warmth, sincerity and seriousness. In his writings he ranged across many subjects of Christian living and popular theology, but his public ministry maintained a fairly uniform format of using Bible texts to appeal to people to turn away from their sinful lives and to follow Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
He was also known as a man of moral integrity; he had clear rules about financial propriety and dealing with members of the opposite sex who were not related to him. He was well known in political circles and became a spiritual adviser to many presidents. He was a family man, and also a keen golfer but on this day we remember his simple gospel preaching and give thanks to God for the many people following Christ today as a result of his ministry.
Graham Nicholls, Affinity Director