3 February 2018
New edition of the Family Education Trust Bulletin
The trust has just published its February 2018 issue. The whole edition can be downloaded here, or individual articles accessed via the links below:
Bulletin No. 169
February 2018
In this issue:
- Welsh smacking ban: Children’s minister cannot rule out parents being prosecuted continue reading
- Equalities and Human Rights Commission prepares transgender guidance for schools continue reading
- Two-year-olds being targeted with gender ideology continue reading
- ‘Transgender ideology in schools is psychological abuse’ continue reading
- Government consults on relationships and sex education continue reading
- A guide to responding to the consultation questions continue reading
- Home education: Government not persuaded that new legislation is required continue reading
- Increasing levels of childlessness behind declining UK fertility rate continue reading
- New government guidance on child-on-child sexual abuse flawed by endorsement of Brook traffic light tool continue reading
- AGM & conference – 9 June 2018 continue reading