The new issue of Foundations Theological Journal is now online
We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of our theological journal Foundations is now online and available for reading online or free download as a PDF.
In this issue Keith Walker explores a framework for considering priorities in both global and local mission, questioning the helpfulness of the traditional emphasis upon the concept of “unreached people groups”, Thorsten Prill defends the mission theology and practice of Martin Luther, Tom Brand revisits the thorny subject of the eternal subordination of the Son and Mark Pickett contributes a review article on David Garrison’s A wind in the house of Islam, highlighting various methodological difficulties with Garrison’s approach. The issue also features eleven book reviews covering topics ranging from the Book of Ecclesiastes, to same-sex attraction, to prayer, to covenant theology.
It all makes for an inspiring and stimulating edition of our journal. Happy reading!
This also marks the final edition for which Ralph Cunnington serves as Editor. We have been so thankful for Ralph’s work to deepen the content and widen the scope of contributors during his tenure. He leaves us now to give himself more fully to the task of church planting and mission in the North-West of England and we trust the Lord will bless him, his family and his church as he does so. Thank you Ralph!
Foundations 73 – Autumn 2017 PDF