Mission Resource Papers
Our collection of Mission Resource Papers is a treasure-trove of helpful advice and information for churches and those wanting to know more about world mission and why this is such a key area of Christian ministry. They have been written by members of our World Focus Team and other experienced mission leaders.
All the papers are available on this website, free to download and use as you wish:
This month we want to highlight one in particular, that sets out the biblical basis for a worldwide missionary concern. ‘The Biblical Imperative for Mission’ considers such themes as the Mission of God; the church entrusted with God’s mission; the believer entrusted with God’s mission and the global scope of God’s mission. It also poses the question “Is your church centred on both the Word of God and the Mission of God?” The Word of God commands it; the need of the world demand it.
Resource Paper 3: The Biblical Imperative for Mission