The One True Story: Daily Readings for Advent from Genesis to Jesus by Tim Chester
What do you need to do to get ready for Christmas this year? Buy the presents early? Plan the menu? Negotiate with the relatives? Maybe you need to get all those extra services and events at church in your diary and make sure you actually invite people this year?
What about preparing your heart?
Preparing for Christmas, yes, but more than just being ready for one day – how about using the lead up to Christmas as an opportunity for reflecting on the person and work of Jesus and what it means for us?
Tim Chester has written a series of 24 Advent readings, ideally starting on 1 December, to take us through the Old Testament story-line and show us how it is completed in Christ.
Each day Tim retells an Old Testament event, bringing it to life. He then shows how Jesus finishes the story by meeting the need, being the reality of what was a shadow, or fulfilling the promise made. He then connects Jesus’ story with ours. Each chapter ends with some words for us to meditate on and a prayer we could make our own.
For example, on Day 6 we look at the visit of the Magi and Jesus’ presentation in the temple contrasted with the scattering of the nations at the tower of Babel. We are encouraged to consider the global invitation of the gospel and reflect this in our own hospitality over Christmas.
On Day 15 we look at Jesus the anointed king who fulfils the prophecy of Isaiah 11 about the “shoot from the stump of David on whom the Spirit of the Lord will rest”. In the power of that same Spirit we are encouraged to speak up and tell someone about Jesus.
The One True Story is a rich and rewarding journey showing promise and fulfilment and I thoroughly recommend it as something to consider personally and for your churches this Christmas.
You can purchase this book on The Good Book Company website.
Graham Nicholls
Director of Affinity