World Mission Day Conference
We are holding a World Mission Day Conference at Christ Church, Deeside on Saturday 19 September.
The theme for the day is “Fostering a passion for world mission in the local church”.
The Programme for the day is:
10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.30 Bible Ministry: “Fostering a passion for world mission in the local church” – Jim Sayers (Grace Baptist Mission)
11.15 Case Studies of a local churches being missional in its community and a local church sending missionaries:
1. Milnrow, Rochdale – reaching out to a multi-cultural community: David Harding
2. Newtown – sending missionaries to a creative access country: Tim Gill
12.30 Lunch (bring your own, tea and coffee provided)
1.15 Seminars
“Reaching out to Muslim women in our communities” – Nicola Edkins, Grace Baptist Church, Southport and GBM
“Church Planting” – Peter Milsom, Affinity and UFM.
“The blessings and challenges in becoming a multi-cultural church” – David Harding, Milnrow
“Using digital technology in the mission of the local church” – Ed Underwood, UFM
2.15 “Reaching the nations through digital technology” – Ed Underwood
3.00 Close
You can find directions to the church at
For more information contact Matthew Evans at or Rhys Morgan at