Keep Marriage Special events
Affinity’s Social Issues Team is highlighting the fact that Keep Marriage Special is holding two Christian witnesses outside political conferences in the next few weeks and are encouraging people to join them. They will seek to raise concerns over the matter of Christians’ freedom to believe and act according to the Bible in ethical matters.
The first of these witnesses will take place in Kent outside the UKIP conference at Margate Winter Gardens and will be in two stages on Friday 26 February from 8.30am-10.30am then from 12.30-2.30pm. There are expected to be 1500+ delegates and this could be a very important step in engaging a rapidly growing party. They will have leaflets and other resources on hand as KMS seek to engage delegates with grace and truth.
The second witness will be outside the Conservative Party Spring Conference in March in Central London at a venue yet to be announced.
If you would like to be involved in either of these events please contact the organiser, Regan King, for more information on 07944 221112.