The Spring 23 edition of the Social Issues Bulletin is available

The Affinity Social Issues Team publish a Bulletin three times a year that aims to inform the church on matters of social, ethical and legal concern for Christians. Each issue is free to download.
This Spring edition of the Social Issues Bulletin opens with a sorrowful but extremely necessary article to help us understand abuse in the context of Christian marriage. This personal article from an anonymous writer encourages churches to address the problem of abuse in marriage and provides us with some very practical ways to spot abuse and what can be done about it. This is followed by a short but very relevant article by Steve Fouch from Christian Medical Fellowship exploring society’s view of assisted dying and the challenge this poses the Church. Regan King then provides us with a look at the ‘hot topics’ we’re facing in this ‘post-truth culture’ and what our response as Christians should be. Following recent news from the Church of England as they seek to bless same-sex marriage, we have an article about why the Greater Love Declaration – a statement by ministers and pastoral workers on marriage, sex and identity – is more critical now than ever. Our fifth article explores masculinity and in particular the rising influence of Andrew Tate on our young men. It’s an article which needs to be read by anyone who works with or has young men in their church. We welcome Dr Calum MacKellar’s first contribution to the Bulletin, he helpfully provides us with a short summary on the current bioethical issues we’re facing – this will be a regular column in our Bulletin. The Christian Legal Centre provide us with a summary of the current Christian legal battles they are facing. The Bulletin then closes with two book reviews: Tim Dieppe reviews the massively popular Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin and Carys Mosely writes a critical review article on The War on the West by Douglas Murray. We think this Issue of the Social Issues Bulletin is well worth a read and hope you agree!
Download the full Autumn edition of the Social Issues Bulletin here:
Alternatively, find each individual article below (available as they’re published):
Understanding Abuse in the Context of Christian Marriage
Assisted dying: is society giving up on the vulnerable?
Dealing with the hot topics of a Post-truth culture