14 June 2024

A call to pray for the UK General Election

This week, the Affinity Social Issues Forum met in London for their regular meeting. The Affinity Social Issues Forum, which produces our Social Issues Bulletin spent time reflecting on the current General Election campaign and as a result of their discussion have agreed to release this statement to Churches encouraging them to pray:

It is surely one of the unique and urgent contributions the UK church can make over this election season is to pray, boldly and faithfully for our nation. Not only is this an explicit command from God (1 Timothy 2:1-4), but it is vital to note the reason for the command. We are to pray for leaders so that we might live holy and quiet lives and have the freedom to proclaim Jesus. We must also remember that if we are not praying for our nation and its leaders, then no one is!

Few of us would deny our nation faces many perplexing challenges. The trajectory of moving further away from God’s law and wisdom for human flourishing seems to be resolute and set. Yet time and again in the Bible we see God intervening in desperate situations and so, so often, it is in answer to the prayers of God’s people. In light of the sovereignty of God and promises of his word, we also pray with real hope and expectancy! Decline is not inevitable. The church will be built. And the good purposes of our God will stand.

This statement was prepared jointly by James Mildred (Director of Communications and Engagement at CARE) and Graham Nicholls (Director of Affinity) on behalf of the Affinity Social Issues Team.

Please pray for:

  • Each of us as we exercise our vote as part of the governing process, to do so responsibly and wisely.
  • For each candidate to conduct themselves with integrity and graciousness.
  • For a just and good government that facilitates a peaceful environment for the gospel to continue to be preached.
  • For ourselves as Christians to be more prayerful and concerned to engage with our local and national leaders as an outworking of our faith.
  • For the safety of candidates, especially in light of recent hostile attacks.

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