BBC Sussex Sunday Breakfast 60-second sermon
This morning, Graham Nicholls was live in the studio as part of BBC Sussex Sunday Breakfast with Emily Jeffery. During the programme, Graham looked at the papers and offered this sixty-second sermon:
What are you worried about?
It’s been just over a week since we left the EU. Did you have a Brexit party?
There is so much fear around these days. We just have to turn on television. Even this week, we have seen a range of stories which might cause us to fear:
A deadly virus is sweeping through China and leaking out to the West. People even in the North East, in the city of York, have been in lock-down.
The Prime Minister and other Government ministers are looking at trade deals to be done and some to be undone.
On the BBC news website on Friday, there was a story which stated that victims are no longer bothering to report some crimes to police because so many offenders are never brought to justice. A new report said the public are losing faith in the criminal justice system and have ‘rumbled’ that police do not have the capacity to investigate.
Politicians might trade on our fear but the Christian message seeks to bring hope.
This Sunday morning, I want to share with you something, Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus talked about.
In one of his letters, he says:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
Hope was given unstoppable force when Jesus smashed through the grave on that Sunday morning.
Because of Jesus we can live with real hope. Living hope. Certain hope. Joyful hope.
Hope that’s available to anyone and everyone who wants to know God by knowing and following Jesus.
Hope to calm all your fears.
So what are you worried about? But more importantly, what are you hoping for?
Have a great Sunday! May God bless you!