A new editor for Foundations
We are delighted to announce that, following Lee Gatiss’ much-appreciated short spell as guest editor, we have now been able to appoint Donald John MacLean as the new permanent editor of Foundations theological journal.
Donald John is married to Ruth (pictured with DJ above) and has two children, Hannah (14) and Jonathan (11). Originally from Inverness, DJ & his family live in Cambridge where he is an elder and one of the preaching team at Cambridge Presbyterian Church. By profession he is an actuary, but he also has a PhD in seventeenth century reformed theology. He is a trustee of both the Banner of Truth and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales. Aside from these commitments DJ is most likely to be found fishing for salmon in the Highlands of Scotland, or traipsing up a Munro with his family.
DJ says, “My aim in taking on the editing of Foundations is for it to continue be a journal that discusses important theological and practical issues facing the church in an academically rigorous and pastorally relevant way. In that sense I am simply seeking to build on the excellent work of previous editors. I expect Foundations to reflect the breath of views present within Affinity, and therefore to be a venue for rich and helpful theological dialogue and refinement. In so doing I hope the journal can also serve the wider evangelical community.”