Saved2serve 2020 – book your place now
Saved 2 Serve is an annual event for young people between the ages of 15- 25.The next one takes place on 27-29 March 2020.
Their aim is to: “Glorify God by propelling young people into the Lord’s service for the strengthening of the churches”
All young people can benefit from this event; whether they have a free afternoon after school, a week in their summer holiday, or are considering a gap year, in which to serve. The event is aimed at a wide age-range, not just school leavers.
The aim is to propel young people into the Lord’s service by teaching. The weekend is structured around talks on God’s word. Saved2serve believes that God’s word is central to the growing and maturing of the young people in our churches.
To give the young people some ideas and inspiration as to how they can serve, they have a number of organisations attending, who offer opportunities to serve God in mission, and presentations across the weekend as to what these involve.
A key ingredient is the opportunity to hear from other young people who have ‘been’; to be inspired by the testimonies of those who have had the joy and privilege of serving God, either in their local church, elsewhere in the UK, or abroad.
Finally, S2S is very much a partnership with local churches; the aim is to strengthen the local churches. They love to see churches join them in this venture by encouraging their young people to attend, and also by following up on what they’ve learned, been challenged on and encouraged by during the event.
The brochure, with further information and how to book is here.
If you use Facebook, you can also go here.