ReformationUK2019 conference on the Holy Trinity
All Saints Presbyterian Church, Newcastle (EPCEW) is holding a conference on 10-12 October this year on the subject of the Holy Trinity.
They write: “The conference is for everyone but particularly for God’s people, the church. It will be held in Newcastle, the city of John Knox and the historic capitol of the Reformed faith in England…”
“Orthodox theology holds many wonderful doctrines, but the doctrine of God as Holy Trinity is the most fundamental. We are baptised into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – apart from faith in this Triune God, we are not Christians at all. Yet it is also true that many people view the Trinity as an obscure doctrine they wish they knew more about. Helping people to grow in the knowledge of their God is the very purpose of the ReformationUK2019 conference on the Holy Trinity.
Today this doctrine of the Trinity is under attack, not only by enemies of the faith but sometimes even by well-meaning men who have departed from the church’s creeds and confessions in a misguided attempt to address other concerns. Thus, the conference will seek to refute some of the errors being discussed in our day as well as teach straightforwardly the beauty and perfection of the biblical doctrine. We hope you will join us.”
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