Worship Today: Maintaining Continuity with the Past and Across the World
The new edition of Foundations contains the papers delivered at our recent Theological Study Conference on the theme of corporate public worship. The fifth paper was “Worship Today: Maintaining Continuity with the Past and Across the World” by Ray Evans, Lead Minister of Grace Community Church, Bedford and Church Leadership Consultant for the FIEC.. He began his paper with these words:
“On this subject of worship, insights from all kinds of Christian believers and ‘traditions’ abound. Even views and practices with which one may profoundly disagree, will contain aspects of truth from which we can learn. In the following descriptions of trends which I have noted, it is all too easy to see the problems which have been caused by them (a middle-aged man’s default mode?) and miss the emphases which have brought refreshment to many believers and glory to God…”
The full paper is available here and the complete journal (over 180 pages, including book reviews) can be found here.