Booking is now open for the next Theological Study Conference
The ‘worship wars’ have died down somewhat but disagreement, division and confusion, not to mention ignorance, can still characterise God’s people when the word ‘worship’ is mentioned. Does it refer only to what happens when Christians gather together or does it cover the whole of life? How does the Bible employ the term? Do ‘worship leaders’ perform a valuable Christian ministry or are they an unbiblical innovation? When we meet together, may we do whatever the Bible does not forbid or only what it either explicitly or implicitly commands? Is there a difference between the gatherings of God’s people during the Old Testament era from that which is to obtain after the coming of Christ? Are temperament, culture and nationality at all relevant to the answers to these questions? Should they be? What does the Bible say about these things? What can we learn from Christians of the past who addressed these issues?
The conference will seek to engage these questions in a biblically based, historically informed, pastorally sensitive and practically relevant way. While controversial issues and differences amongst evangelicals will not be ignored, they will be considered in the light of the great things of the gospel which we share together. The conference will seek to be both theologically rigorous and practically helpful.
The conference is open to both men and women.
Please come and join us in March 2019.
More details and online booking