Supporting parents standing up for good education
I was privileged to be at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster recently for the launch of Parent Power, a new web-based resource to help parents in the education of their children.
The event was hosted by Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP who spoke of how there was a need to re-assert that the primary responsibility for the education of children rests with their parents. The aim of this website is to equip parents to engage with educational institutions in a constructive and well-informed way, and to stand up for their right to have their wishes respected regarding the education of their children.
From the various stories shared on the evening, it seems that many educational policies, especially with respect to the teaching of religion and ethics, are driven by fear and ignorance. In particular, schools and colleges are afraid that they may upset powerful lobby groups because they are ignorant of the law as it stands on a whole range of issues.
As the website develops its content over the coming months, we believe it will be a useful resource for Christian parents, teachers and church leaders and we would encourage you use it and suggest other ways in which Parent Power might be of help.
Graham Nicholls, Affinity Director