How well do we know our times?
The FIEC recently highlighted on their website a book that had its origins at the Affinity Theological Study Conference in 2017. John Stevens was one of the speakers, and gave a remarkable paper that was crying out to be put into print. It was, and the response has been enthusiastic. Here’s what the FIEC wrote about it:
In this short book, John Stevens helps us to interpret the times we are living in – both inside and outside the church.
Knowing Our Times was originally given out to pastors at the FIEC Leaders’ Conference in November 2017. It’s been so well received that our friends at 10ofThose have now made it available for sale.
This work was originally written for the Affinity Theological Study Conference. In it, John Stevens suggests ways that gospel workers can understand the culture we live in to help our ministry become more effective.
John argues that we should follow the apostolic flexibility in 1 Corinthians 9 and become “all things to all people so as to win some”. While we should never capitulate to the culture, neither should we put up any barrier that prevents people hearing about Christ.