Union’s new website is launched
Affinity Associate Partner Union has four areas of ministry, which work together to serve the church, and they are highlighted on their new website which has been launched this past week.
This is how they describe their mission:
Union School of Theology
Growing leaders on campus and in Learning Communities. Our courses, from BA to PhD, equip you to delight in God, grow in Christ, serve the church, and bless the world. We have a campus in Wales where students can undertake full-time and part-time residential study, with excellent facilities and all the advantages of community learning. Visit the Union School of Theology website to find out more.
Union Publishing
Resourcing the church and blessing the world with the knowledge of God. Based at our Oxford Centre, Union Publishing produces quality theological material for our student-leaders and their churches as part of our commitment to grow leaders for sustainable and healthy mission.
Union books are available to buy at 10ofthose.com. We have a massive collection of free articles, videos and podcasts, online at uniontheology.org or via our app (iOS and Android). Take a look here to start exploring.
Union Research
Fuelling the church’s mission through theological excellence. Union Research resources and fuels Union’s mission with the highest quality theology.
John Calvin said, ‘a good missionary is a good theologian; a good theologian is a good missionary.’ In order to grow good theologians so that the church can be fortified for mission, we have created our Oxford Research Centre. Union Research aims to encourage and nurture theological thinkers in the church and facilitate interaction between pastors, scholars and students in a vibrant and creative community.
Union Mission
Union Mission is the culmination of our whole ministry. As individual Christians and church leaders delight in God and grow in Christ, we will see churches flourish. And flourishing churches plant churches. In our mission we partner with many churches, networks and agencies to recruit, raise, fund and strategically deploy church leaders where they can be most useful. We are working with churches for the growth of the whole church.