9 December 2017
New edition of the Family Education Trust Bulletin
The trust has just published its December 2017 issue. The whole edition can be downloaded here, or individual articles accessed via the links below:
Bulletin No. 168
December 2017
- Child sexual exploitation: How much more evidence do we need before the government will act? continue reading
- Missed opportunities in Somerset continue reading
- Ellie’s Story continue reading
- Proposed smacking ban: bad news all round – especially for childrencontinue reading
- What future for Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education? continue reading
- Government policy must put parental responsibility before the power of the statecontinue reading
- Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education continue reading
- Quotable quotes from Too Hot to Handle continue reading
- Promoting transgender ideology is ‘institutionalised child abuse’, says senior paediatrician continue reading
- Teenage sexual experimentation: ‘We have opened the door…and we need to find a way to close it’ continue reading
- Officious: Rise of the Busybody State continue reading
- Named Person: legal minefield continue reading
- How hectic lifestyles are depriving our children continue reading
- British Values curriculum continue reading
- Find us on social media continue reading
- AGM & conference 2018 continue reading