“Wow – what great things we have learnt today!”
These must be words that every Sunday school teacher longs to hear. But these words are especially significant in Rwanda where, until recently, teaching children the Bible was largely unheard of.
Each year, Crosslinks promotes one of its exciting new projects for their Christmas appeal. This year, they are delighted to be partnering with Discipling the Next Generation.
42% of Rwanda’s population is under the age of 14 and so teaching children the life-saving gospel could have huge influence on the nation. Imagine when today’s children are adults – what an impact they could have for Christ if they are taught the true gospel now!
So that is what Jean Ngirimana is doing – teaching children about the God who saves. He is aiming high, hoping to reach children across the whole country through Sunday schools and bible clubs. To do this, he is training students and graduates how to teach the Bible to children. And what impact is it having? Well, the words of five-year-old Grace speak for themselves: “Wow what great things we have learnt today!”
Just £25 could pay for one student to attend a weekend training course, run by Jean. Could you support Jean and Discipling the Next Generation this Christmas? Find out more and donate online.
Thank you,
Jamie Read (Crosslinks)