7 November 2017

Infusion – Gospel and Culture Learning

Everyone involved in ministry should be doing some sort of ongoing learning.

Those who are working with people of other cultures but have not had much opportunity to access formal cross-cultural ministry training need to get a good foundation in the teaching of the Bible and how to communicate across cultural boundaries. Others may enjoy something that will stretch them out of their comfort zone. Infusion has been created to make this sort of training more accessible.

The Infusion learning environment currently consists of eight short courses:


  • Becoming a Cross-Cultural Worker 
  • Intercultural Communication


  • Church and Mission
  • Ethnography
  • Strategic Issues in Cross-Cultural Ministry


  • Encountering Other Traditions
  • Principles of Contextualization
  • Issues in Contextualization

The best way to make use of these courses is as part of a learning community, guided by an experienced mentor. If you cannot be part of such a community you can still get a lot out of the courses as they involve interaction with an online mentor. Each course is divided into units. Many have four units. The most is seven. Very roughly speaking, a unit takes about a day of work to complete. But you have up to a year to complete a course so you can spread out the work if you have time constraints.

Each course costs £20 payable via PayPal. The first ten courses to be signed up for will be FREE! To enquire or register as a student or mentor please email the director here: pickettmark62@gmail.com.

Infusion is directed by Mark Pickett, who has cross-cultural ministry experience in South Asia, and teaches on several theological education programmes. He has an MA in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College, USA and a PhD in Nepalese Culture from Tribhuvan University, Nepal.


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