The Theological Study Conference 2017
Book the dates now! Our next Study Conference, God willing, is 1-3 March 2017 at King’s Park, Northampton. The theme is a very timely one for the church in the Western world:
‘The Christian Church – Its Mission in a Post-Christian Culture’
Papers will consider the subject from biblical, historical, theological and practical perspectives. Please consider joining us for this event as we engage with the papers (sent out in advance), with the authors, and with one another in small groups and plenary sessions. In doing so we will seek to understand together what the church’s appropriate response should be in the coming years.
Paper 1: ‘Light to the Nations and Aliens and Strangers: an Overview of the People of God in the Old Testament’ – David Green
Paper 2: ‘Light to the Nations and Aliens and Strangers: an Overview of the People of God in the New Testament’ – Chris Bennett
Paper 3: ‘When Society is Collapsing: Augustine and The City of God’ – Paul Helm
Paper 4: ‘The Church Militant and Martyred: The Reformation till Today’ – Lee Gatiss
Paper 5: ‘On Understanding our Times’ – John Stevens
Paper 6: ‘On Serving God in our Generation’ – David McKay
More details on how to book for the conference will follow soon.
Note: for an introduction to some of the issues in question, see Ted Turnau’s paper in the latest edition of Foundations:
Dialogues Concerning Cultural Engagement
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