Booking for the 2015 Theological Study Conference
Booking for our next Study Conference opens today. Next February 25-27 we will be considering the theme of ‘Union with Christ’ with the help of papers provided in advance by Cor Bennema, Tim Ward, Bob Letham, John Fesko, David McKay and Paul Wells.
The format of the conference is considered to be unique by many people who attend. Carl Trueman said of the 2011 event that it was ‘probably the most helpful’ conference he had ever attended: ‘The structure was great: speakers sent papers in advance; they introduced them briefly at the conference; the conference then broke into small groups for discussion; and then reconvened for plenary debate. True conversational theology… the discussion groups, consisting of academics and pastors, pushed everything to its implications for the local church… differences were respected but not relativised; and good humour and thoughtfulness characterised everything.‘
Download the booking form for further information and sign up to be part of our fellowship and conversation next February: