24 January 2014

Welcome to two new Affinity members

We are very pleased to welcome two new members to the Affinity family.

Grace Baptist Partnership is a new Associate Member. GBP seeks to encourage church planting initiatives in various parts of the UK by providing biblical counsel, training, practical experience, research and assessment services and materials helpful in worship and witness for those involved in planting new Grace Baptist churches. You can find out more about them at www.gracebaptistpartnership.org.uk

Pilgrim Mission is a new Independent Partner Church, a small fellowship that seeks to reach out to the rural communities of Aberdeenshire. They have an evangelistic heart and we want to be able to support them in prayer and with encouragement. They do not yet have a website but their pastor, Paul Jennings, can be contacted at pilgrimmission@hotmail.co.uk

Please pray for both GBP and Pilgrim Mission!


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