Latest issue of The Bulletin
The latest issue of The Bulletin is now available.
In Britain, it’s census time again, but it is coincidence that the March issue of Affinity’s social issues publication, The Bulletin, is dominated by statistics.
This issue uses some other recent statistics to show that in all probability, two thirds of Britain’s population will claim to be Christian in the 2011 census. Another recent authoritative survey has shown that the homosexual population of the UK is much smaller than the figures which influenced the introduction of civil partnerships.
Most pertinently, though, Peter Milsom points out some of the implications of the recent survey of 17,000 evangelicals, conducted by the Evangelical Alliance and Christian Research, on issues connected with faith and practice. There are lessons which every evangelical church needs to address.
As always, there is plenty of important reading in The Bulletin – the implications of the Cornish B&B case, admission to Church of England Schools, and both grim and encouraging news of a wide range of life issues. It needs to be reading that leads to action.