“Serving God in his Church in our Generation: Learning from the Past while living in the Present” by Stephen Clark
In June 2012 a booklet entitled “They Have Forgotten”, written by Miss Ruth Palgrave from Cardiff, was widely circulated to ministers in the United Kingdom and beyond. Our brother Stephen Clark was approached by some senior men who were concerned by the inaccuracies in the booklet and believed it was important for a response to be written to help Christians and churches who may have been unsettled by what Miss Palgrave wrote. We are grateful to Stephen for writing such a helpful personal response, which not only addresses the concerns raised in the booklet, but also indicates how the principles to which Affinity is committed should be expressed today. We are happy to make both the full text of Stephen’s paper and a shorter summary available online.
Miss Palgrave’s booklet, and a more recent article, raise serious issues for all of us who are evangelical Christians. We are, therefore, consulting with a number of church leaders with a view to preparing guidelines which will outline biblical principles which should be respected when there are important issues about which we may disagree with our fellow Christians.