Christmas gifts with meaning
Affinity member Day One are highlighting a number of items which they think would be useful gifts if you are short of ideas for family and friends this Christmas season:
NEW – Background to the Bible – Special offer price £20
Background to the Bible is a companion to the popular Evidence for the Bible that was published in 2014. That publication could not possibly cover all the evidence supporting the trustworthiness of the biblical record, and new discoveries are constantly coming to light in the vigorous and enlightening science of archaeology related to the Bible.
In Background to the Bible we have added new information to encourage an informed journey through the pages of the Bible. For serious study or for relaxed and informative reading, Background to the Bible will prove invaluable to all who have an interest in understanding what lies behind and around the events recorded in the Bible, which is the world’s most influential and widely sold, distributed and translated book.
Preaching the heart of God: The place of PATHOS in preaching
Preachers are called at this time to minister to many whose world has suddenly changed and perhaps may never be the same again. In these days of increased uncertainty and spiritual ignorance, never has there been such a need for us to preach with pathos. Additionally, many more of us are experiencing the challenge of having to speak to our people via a camera, and/ or to a greatly reduced live congregation, and the necessity for us to be moved by truth has never been greater.
Flight School (for children ages 8 to 88)
Find out the answers to questions, and much more, as you take a flight into the world of pilots and planes. Discover the surprising ways in which we can learn about life, God and His Word – the Bible – by looking at the many and varied aspects of aviation. A full colour, hardback book with loads of images, fact boxes and Bible challenges.