16 March 2016

New Affinity Director appointed

Affinity is delighted to announce the appointment, from 1st April, of Graham Nicholls as its new Director, succeeding Peter Milsom who has faithfully led the work for the past six years.

Affinity seeks to promote Christian unity and partnership within a biblical gospel framework and to produce resources to aid in-depth theological reflection. Its members are church groupings and Christian organisations from across the UK and across denominational boundaries.

Graham will be working alongside members in order to foster and develop purposeful gospel relationships. The aim is not to duplicate what other organisations and denominations are doing but to value their ministries and to share information, news and support and to work together when it is helpful to do so. Graham will combine the role of Director with his responsibilities as one of the ministers of Christ Church, Haywards Heath. He brings experience of pastoral ministry alongside a successful career in the business world.

There was a real sense of God’s hand in the appointment and Affinity looks forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Paul Spear (Chair) & Peter Milsom (retiring Director) welcome Graham Nicholls (right) as the new Director of Affinity




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