24 July 2024

The Summer 2024 edition of Foundations has been published

We are delighted to publish the latest issue of our theological journal Foundations. All articles are free to view online or download. You can also purchase a printed copy.

Psalm 87 speaks of the future diversity of God’s people, united in worship despite their differing origins. This edition of Foundations echoes that theme with articles on neo-Calvinism, Puritanism, Methodism, and the American church’s stance on slavery, highlighting both the diversity of God’s people and the church’s occasional failure to honour it.

In Foundations Issue 86, Jonathan Bayes reviews Cory Brock and N. Gray Sutanto’s Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction, focusing on the doctrine of common grace. Steve Bishop explores Abraham Kuyper’s doctrine of Scripture, while Lee Gatiss delves into John Owen’s trinitarian theology. Roger Fay examines John Wesley’s conversion experience, and Ian Shaw discusses the American church’s views on slavery, with more to follow in the next issue. Lastly, Thorsten Prill considers the historical and current use of the term ‘missionary’.

We trust these articles, and the book reviews in this issue, are all of help for the church.


Review Article: Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction

By Jonathan Bayes  

Addressing the theological contributions of Dutch Neo-Calvinism founders, Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, which have been overshadowed by their political views. This book aims to refocus on their main theological concerns and correct misunderstandings.

Abraham Kuyper: Inspiration, Revelation, and Scripture

By Dr Steve Bishop

Examining Kuyper’s view of Scripture, emphasising its organic and pneumocentric nature. Kuyper’s approach highlights that Scripture is both divine and human in origin.

John Owen and Relating to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

By Dr Lee Gatiss

Exploring John Owen’s seventeenth-century teachings on the Trinity, emphasising the Christian life’s blessing of distinct communion with God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

John Wesley and Aldersgate

By Roger W. Fay, ThM, MA  

Examining the evangelical significance of John Wesley’s heart-warming experience on 24 May 1738, challenging attempts to downplay its impact.

Slavery, the Slave Trade and Christians’ Theology – Part 1

By Ian F Shaw  

Exploring the diverse Christian perspectives on slavery in America and Britain from the 17th to 19th centuries. A subsequent article will discuss the theological frameworks influencing their views and actions.

Missionary – What’s in a Word? A Critical Discussion of a Disputed Term

By Dr Thorsten Prill

Examining the term ‘missionary’ in today’s church, considering biblical, historical, and contemporary perspectives. It argues for its continued relevance, focusing on gospel preaching, church planting, and leadership training as core mission activities.

Book Reviews

Christianity and Science by Herman Bavinck
Dr Steve Bishop

The Holy Spirit by Robert Letham
Paul Yeulett

Providing for Pastors: How to Give Time, Energy, and Money to Support the Work of Pastors by Jeremy Walker
R. A. Miller

This Earthly Life Matters: The Promise of Arnold A. van Ruler for Ecotheology
Dr Steve Bishop


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